AX58100是一款2/3埠EtherCAT從站控制器(ESC),整合兩個支援100Mbps全雙工操作與HP Auto-MDIX功能的高速以太網路PHY。AX58100支援CANopen (CoE),TFTP (FoE),VoE等標準EtherCAT協定適用於工業自動化、馬達控制、運動控制、機器人、數位訊號I/O控制、類比數位轉換器(ADC)/數位類比轉換器(DAC)轉換器控制、感測器數據採集等,各種實時工控產品應用,提供了經濟有效的解決方案。
AX58100提供一個三通道PWM控制器或一個步進控制器,一個用於閉迴路控制的增量/霍爾編碼介面,一個SPI Master介面用於SPI裝置數據收集和輸出, 32個適用於工業實時I/O控制應用的數位控制I/O,以及一個I/O Watchdog提供監測I/O狀態來做適當處置以確保產品功能的安全性。
AX58100提供兩種過程數據介面 (PDI),Local Bus介面和SPI Slave介面,可透過這些介面將AX58100連接到外部傳統MCU/DSP工業控制機台以支援EtherCAT功能。AX58100有兩個記憶體空間,分別對應到ESC記憶體和Function暫存器,設計人員可以透過晶片選擇腳位來決定存取哪一個記憶體空間。內部橋接器會根據設定的同步條件來自動同步ESC記憶體與功能暫存器的內容,提供EtherCAT Master來遠端控制AX58100的功能 (PWM,SPI Master等)。 AX58100將ESC和應用程序中斷事件反應在中斷狀態暫存器,並透過條件或邊緣中斷觸發模式來通知外部MCU/DSP來管理這些ESC和應用程序中斷事件。
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● 2/3埠標準EtherCAT從站控制器(ESC)搭載兩個整合式高速乙太網路PHYs
● 標準EtherCAT從站控制器(ESC)
-- 支援8個現場總線存儲器管理單元(FMMUs)
-- 支援8個同步管理器
-- 支援64位元分散式時鐘
-- 內建9K位元組RAM
● 整合式高速乙太網路PHYs
-- 相容IEEE 802.3和802.3u 100BASE-TX/ 100BASE-FX標準
-- 支援交叉線自動偵測及切換(HP Auto-MDIX)
-- 支援自動極性偵測及校正
-- 支援PHY迴路模式
● 內建第3個MII網路埠以支援星型或樹型網絡拓撲
● 支援32組數位訊號/通用型輸入輸出控制 (DIO/GPIO)
-- 每個I/O皆可透過FMMU直接個別控制
● SPI Slave介面
-- 支援SPI Mode 3時序工作模式
-- 支援最高位元(MSB)優先傳輸模式
● Local Bus介面
-- 具有8/16位元匯流排
-- 支援非同步傳輸
-- 支援16位元匯流排BHE訊號功能
● 內部橋接器可根據設定的同步條件來自動同步ESC記憶體與功能暫存器的內容
● 支援3個PWM控制頻道
-- 可調整所有頻道的頻率,相位對齊與先斷後合(BBM)時間
-- 可調整每個頻道的佔空比,相位位移與極性
● 步進控制器
-- 可調整步進脈衝寬度,極性和方向改變的延遲時間
● 增量和霍爾編碼器介面
-- 支援單端ABZ,可配置計數常數,極性和多個Z信號功能
-- 支援順時針/逆時針(CW / CCW)和方向計數(DIR / CLK)輸入
-- 支援霍爾效應感測器
● 支援緊急停止輸入功能
● 可配置的Watchdog功能,用於輸出和輸入監測
● IRQ事件輸出
-- EtherCAT相關事件中斷
-- 應用程序相關事件中斷
-- Watchdog超時事件中斷
● SPI Master介面
-- 可編程SPI時鐘頻率高達50MHz
-- 支援4種SPI時序模式
-- 支援最低位元(LSB)/最高位元(MSB)優先傳輸模式
-- 可支援到8個SPI裝置
-- 可支援到8個SPI通道,每個通道提供8個位元組讀寫緩衝
-- 支援ADC數據就緒和DAC數據加載指示功能
-- 支援週期性數據收集
-- 可提供延遲取樣以支援高延遲裝置
-- 支援外部中斷輸入
● 支援一個I²C Master介面
● 整合上電復位(PoR)電路
● 80接腳 LQFP封裝並符合RoHS規範
● 工作溫度範圍: -40 到 +105°C
● 工業自動化
● 馬達控制
● 運動控制
● 機器人
● 數位訊號I/O控制
● DAC/ADC轉換器控制
● 傳感器數據採集
● 傳統通信模組
● 操作員HMI介面

![亞信AX58100 EtherCAT TwinCAT PLC Demo 軟體設定範例展示 [中文解說]](/upload/2020_09_098/20200909145718xrlswyfqJ2.jpg)
![亞信AX58100 EtherCAT從站控制晶片應用展示 [中文解說]](/upload/2020_09_098/20200909145718xrlswyfqJ2.jpg)


AX58100 EtherCAT從站開發板 [RJ-45] (AX58100-EVB-1 Copper)
AX58100 EtherCAT從站開發板 for RJ-45銅線網路應用

AX58100 EtherCAT從站開發板 [光纖] (AX58100-EVB-1 Fiber)
AX58100 EtherCAT從站開發板 for 光纖網路應用
Where can I obtain the latest AX58100 datasheet, reference schematic and other hardware design archives?
You can download the latest AX58100 datasheet, reference schematic, PCB layout guide, etc. from AX58100 Product web page directly.
Can ASIX help me to review my own AX58100 schematic and PCB layout?
Yes, please deliver your own AX58100 schematic and PCB layout files to ASIX’s Support ( for further review before making your own AX58100 PCB board.
Does the AX58100 add into EtherCAT Slave Controller Overview document.
Yes, you can be found within the download section here: -
How do I purchase the AX58100 Evaluation Board?
ASIX provides both AX58100 evaluation boards, one is AX58100 Copper board, other one is AX58100 Fiber board. If you need to purchase the AX58100 evaluation board. Please contact ASIX's Sales ( for more details.
What is Process Data Interface (PDI, also name host interface) supported in AX58100?
AX58100 provides SPI slave, asynchronous 8/16-bit microcontroller interface (also name Asynchronous Local Bus) and Digital I/O. The SPI slave and asynchronous 8/16-bit Local Bus interface will be used when external MCU in employed the slave system, and the Digital I/O is used for when direct I/O control.
What is the difference between AX58100 and ET1100?
The AX58100 implements a 3-port EtherCAT slave controller (ESC), the Port 0 and 1 integrate embedded Ethernet PHYs, and port 2 is an optional MII interface which are multi-function pins shared with others interfaces (i.e. PWM, Hall, Local Bus, Digital I/O). The AX58100 also Integrate 3-channel PWM, Step/Direction controllers, Incremental/ABZ, Hall encoder, SPI master interface, Emergency Stop Input and I/O Watchdog.
What is the Bootstrap Pins purpose in AX58100?
The AX58100 supports five multi-function bootstrap pins (pin 19, 20, 58, 40, and 41) for five hardware configurations, i.e. external I2C EEPROM size, ESC supported port number, RSTO polarity and integrated port 0/1 PHY media mode; and supports other three multi-function bootstrap pins (pin 42, 52, 66) for the configuration of port 2 MII signals. User needs to utilize an external resistor to pull up / down these bootstrap pins.
What kind of EEPROM is supported by AX58100?
The AX58100 supports II2C EEPROM with EEPROM size from 1 Kbit (128 bytes) to
4 Mbit (500Kbytes). -
Does the AX58100 support HP Auto-MDIX function for its embedded Ethernet PHY
Yes, The AX58100 is a 2/3-port EtherCAT Slave Controller (ESC), licensed from Beckhoff Automation, with two integrated Fast Ethernet PHYs which support 100Mbps full-duplex operation and HP Auto-MDIX.
What is the size of AX58100 embedded RAM, FMMU, Sync-Managers, and Distributed Clock, etc. specification?
AX58100 supports 9 Kbytes Process Data RAM, 8 Fieldbus Memory Management Units (FMMUs), 8 Sync-Managers and a 64-bit Distributed Clock.
What AX58100 development kits are available now?
ASIX provides a couple of AX58100 development kits for your reference:
1. AX58100 SPI Master ADC Sensor DIO Demo Kit
2. AX58100 SixStep PWM BLDC Motor Demo Kit
3. AX58100_AX99100 LocalBus ESC PCCard Demo Kit
4. AX58100 Stepper Motor Control Reference Kit
5. AX58100_STM32F303RE Motor Control Demo Kit
More reference designs are under development. -
What is the AX58100 Type Code and Vendor ID?
The 0xC8 is Type Code and 0x0B95 is Vendor ID for AX58100 EtherCAT Slave Controller
How about the license for the AX58100 EtherCAT Slave Controller Products ?
When you purchase an AX58100 from ASIX Corp., the EtherCAT license is embedded in the chip. For AX58100's products there is no additional EtherCAT license fee.
What is different AX58100 PDI SPI and Function SPI
AX58100 provides two SPI slave interfaces, share SCLK, MOSI, MISO pins and individual chip select SCS_ESC and SCS_FUNC, that is support PDI and AX58100 specific function register and memory access. When using PDI SPI, SCS_FUNC must be Pull up, and SCS_ESC is used as Chip Select. When using Function SPI, SCS_ESC must be pulled up, and SCS_FUNC is used as Chip Select
Why & How to do Ethercat conformance test?
It is important to make sure the Ethercat devices from the different manufactor can co-work together in one Ethercat network, so ETG provide the Ethercat Conformance Test Tool (CTT) for the manufactor to do conformance test, it is mandatory for the manufactor to test their Ethercat products with the CTT.
How to program the AX58100's eeprom?
the AX58100's eeprom data is included in the related ESI file,
segment, the user can download the eeprom data into the AX58100 by using the Twincat through the Ethercat network. -
How to choose external PHY for AX58100 port 2?
Please refer to Ethercat PHY Selection Guide for selection, please note the PHY must with TX_CLK fixed phase ability.
How do I connect AX58100 to MCU?
There are SPI Slave and Local Bus interface for configuring to connect MCU.
How to change ASIX logo in ESI file
You can refer to the ETG2200 of table 8 description for more details. We're using HxD freeware to convert it.