Response to the rapidly growing global smart manufacturing market demand, ASIX Electronics offers easy-design and cost-efficient EtherCAT slave controller/SoC and TSN NIC solutions for smart factory, industrial automation, Industrial IoT (IIoT) applications.
AX58x00 family is interoperable with all EtherCAT systems with standard EtherCAT protocols such as CANopen over EtherCAT (CoE), File Access over EtherCAT (FoE), Vendor Specific-protocol over EtherCAT (VoE), etc. and is suitable for different smart factory, industrial automation fieldbus applications.
Typical Applications
> Motion/Motor Control
> Digital I/O Control
> Sensor Data Acquisition
> Robotics
> EtherCAT to IO-Link Master Converter
> EtherCAT Junction Slave Module
> EtherCAT Communication Module

The AXM57104 is a 4-port TSN Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express NIC card solution for Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) applications to enable TSN functions on industrial automation platforms, Fieldbus over TSN gateways and converge the non-real-time IT (Information Technology) network and real-time OT (Operation Technology) networks which work on different industrial Ethernet protocols such as EtherCAT/PROFINET/EtherNet IP/etc.

Typical Applications
> Enable TSN on Industrial Automation Platforms
> Fieldbus over TSN Gateway
> Converge IT & OT Networks
White Papers
Best Practices for Implementing AX58400 EtherCAT Slave Solutions
This article aims to introduce how to quickly implement EtherCAT slave products using ASIX’s AX58400 EtherCAT slave reference design kits.
AXM57104 TSN Development Platform
ASIX AXM57104 TSN Development Platform provides an easy way to enter the new generation industrial Ethernet, Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) world on Real-Time Linux (RT-Linux) industrial computers.
AX58100 + STM32H745ZI MCU Motor Control Reference Design
ASIX provides an easy-design AX58100 + STM32H745ZI MCU Motor Control Reference Design solution based on STMicroelectronics X-CUBE-MCSDK motor control software development kit.
AX58100 + STM32F303RE MCU Motor Control Reference Design
ASIX provides an easy-design AX58100 EtherCAT slave motor control reference design solution based on STMicroelectronics X-CUBE-MCSDK motor control software development kit.
ASIX EtherCAT P One Cable Solution
To simplify the EtherCAT network setup by using EtherCAT P One Cable solution with EtherCAT data lines and two individual 24V DC/3A power supplies