AX88179的USB接口符合USB 3.0/2.0/1.1规范,千兆以太网MAC及PHY兼容于IEEE 802.3、IEEE 802.3u及IEEE 802.3ab协议。内置USB Host接口的微控制器搭配AX88179,即可增加双绞线千兆以太网特性。此外,AX88179仅需单25MHz时钟即可正常工作。
AX88179支持许多高级特性,包括IPv4/IPv6封包校验和承载引擎、双绞线交叉自适应、TCP大包传送承载及符合IEEE802.3az超节能以太网标准(EEE; Energy Efficient Ethernet)等。根据EEE,当以太网连结中没有数据流量时,AX88179会进入低功耗模式,可以省掉不必要的耗电,让能源能更有效的被利用。在千兆模式时还可支持绿色以太网Green Ethernet,可自动侦测有线网络连结与使用状况,调整输出功率达到省电目的。
AX88179还支持网络远程唤醒(Wake-on-LAN)功能,系统进入低功率状态, 透过侦测网络连线状态变动、收到魔术包及Microsoft 唤醒包等事件来远程唤醒。
AX88179是一款低价、小封装、高性能、高集成度、即插即用的USB 3.0转千兆以太网单芯片,可应用于台式电脑、笔记本电脑、超轻薄笔电(Ultrabook)、计算机扩展基座(Cradles/Port replicators/Docking Stations)、游戏机、智能型家电及任何具备标准USB端口的嵌入式系统。
USB3.0 转 10/100/1000M 千兆以太网控制芯片 [即将停产]
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● 单芯片USB 3.0转10/100/1000M千兆以太网控制器,支持超节能以太网(EEE)标准及低消耗功率的数位讯号处理器(DSP)技术
● USB 设备控制器
-- 集成USB 3.0 PHY和控制器并兼容USB 3.0、2.0及1.1规范
-- 支持所有USB 3.0节能模式 (U0、U1、U2和U3)
-- 支持USB超高速/高速/全速模式,电源驱动能力支持总线供电模式和自供电模式
-- 利用独有的突发传输机制(己获得美国专利),让USB总线上的封包传输速率达到极致)
● 千兆以太网控制器
-- 支持IEEE 802.3az (Energy Efficient Ethernet)
-- 兼容IEEE 802.3、802.3u 和 802.3ab
-- 集成10/100/1000Mbps千兆以太网 MAC/PHY
-- 支持绿色以太网,可自动侦测有线网络连接和调整输出功率以达到省电目的(仅Gigabit模式)
-- 支持并行检测及自动极性校正
-- 支持交叉检测及自动更正
-- 支持IPv4/IPv6封包校验和卸除引擎,以减轻CPU的负载,包括IPv4 IP/TCP/UDP/ICMP/IGMP、IPv6 TCP/UDP/ICMPv6 checksum的产生及核对
-- 支持TCP大量传送承载V1
-- 支持全双工IEEE 802.3x流量控制及半双工背压流量控制
-- 支持 IEEE 802.1P 第2层优先编码和译码
-- 支持IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tagging和两组VLAN ID过滤,所收到的4字节VLAN Tag可以选择被剥除或保留
-- 支持Jumbo frame达4KB
-- 具备MAC/PHY自环诊断
● 支持网络远程唤醒功能
-- 支持休眠模式和通过网络链接状态变动、收到魔术包、收到Microsoft 唤醒封包及外部唤醒引脚状态变动等事件进行远程唤醒
-- 支持Bonjour唤醒需求
● 先进的电源管理功能
-- 支持电源管理及卸除 (ARP & NS)
-- 支持动态电源管理,以节省在空载、轻负载或断开网络线等状况下的功耗
-- 当网络线被断开时,从USB Soft-disconnected 支持AutoDetach省电功能
-- 当网络线被断开时,支持先进的断电节能功能
● 支持可选串行EEPROM (93c56/66) 用来储存USB描述符和Node-ID等信息
● 支持嵌入式eFuse (64位) 储存USB描述符和Node-ID等信息,可以替代外部存储的EEPROM
● 当上电启动后,支持自动从嵌入式eFuse或外部EEPROM加载USB描述符和Node-ID等信息
● 25MHz 时钟输入,支持晶体及钟振
● 内置上电复位(Power-on reset)电路
● 内置用于处理协议和控制功能的Pipelined RISC (System on a Chip, SoC)
● 68引脚QFN 8mm x 8mm 并符合RoHS/REACH规范
● 工作温度范围: 0°C to +70°C



AX88179 USB3.0转10/100/1000M千兆以太网控制芯片评估板
Where can I obtain the latest AX88179 drivers?
Please visit the AX88179 Driver Download web page
Are AX88179 Windows drivers qualified by the WHCK/WHQL compliant certification?
Yes, the AX88179 Windows 10/8.x/7 32-bit/64-bit drivers were qualified by Microsoft WHCK certification and the AX88179 Windows XP/Vista 32-bit/64-bit drivers were qualified by Microsoft WHQL certification.
Why don't ASIX's AX88179 standard drivers work with my AX88179 device?
All ASIX's AX88179 standard drivers are qualified with ASIX's AX88179 demo board with AX88179 default Vendor ID (0B95h) and Product ID (1790h). Some of AX88179 manufacturers have their own Vendor ID and Product ID on their AX88179 applications. In this case, ASIX's AX88179 standard drivers will not work with your AX88179 device. Please contact the technical support of your AX88179 device manufacturer to obtain a proper driver.
Which AX88179 Windows driver (32-bit or 64-bit) should I download for my Windows system?
You can easily download the AX88179 Windows 10, 8.x, 7, Vista or XP 32-bit/64-bit WHCK/WHQL drivers setup programs from AX88179 Driver Download web page and then run the setup program to install a proper AX88179 Windows driver on your Windows machine directly.
How can I install AX88179 Linux driver on my Android tablet PC?
No, it could not be done by end users. To install AX88179 Linux driver on your Android tablet PC, you have to recompile AX88179 Linux driver source on your target Android tablet platform and then you can install the compiled AX88179 Linux driver on your Android platform. It can only be done by the manufacturer of your Android tablet PC. Please contact the support guys of your Android platform manufacturer for further support if necessary.
How to capture the VLAN tagged packets on Windows WireShark tool?
Please set the "Packet Priority & VLAN" parameter of ASIX USB to LAN Windows drivers to "Packet Priority & VLAN Disable" to capture the VLAN tagged packets on WireShark.
Does AX88179 support Windows Surface RT 8.0/8.1 driver?
No, AX88179 doesn’t support Windows Surface RT 8.0/8.1 driver.
how to isolate AX88179 macOS driver cannot work fine issue after upgrading to new macOS system?
Please try to un-install the existing installed AX88179 driver firstly and then re-install the latest AX88179 macOS driver to improve this kind of issue. If you still have problems, please refer to Section 4 of AX88179 macOS driver installation guide in the driver package to isolate your issue.
For macOS 10.13 or above systems, please double check if you have set the "Allow apps downloaded from" option on the ”Security & Privacy” console to "App Store and identifier developers" to allow loading the newly-installed third-party kernel extensions (KEXTs).
Where can I obtain the latest AX88179 datasheet, reference schematic and other hardware design archives?
Please register MyASIX membership and then download the latest AX88179 datasheet, reference schematic, gerber/PCB layout files and application design note from AX88179 Product web page directly.
How to open the gerber files of AX88179 demo board?
You can open the gerber files of AX88179 demo board by running ORACLE's AutoVue Evaluation Revision tool (30 days evaluation date). Please visit ORACLE's web site for more details.
How to open the PowerPCB PCB layout file of AX88179 demo board?
You can open the PowerPCB PCB layout file of AX88179 demo board by running Mentor Graphics PADS Layout Product Evaluation Software (No time limitation but with limited function). Please visit Mentor Graphics' web site for more details.
Can ASIX help me to review my own AX88179 schematic and PCB layout?
Yes, please deliver your own AX88179 schematic and PCB layout files to ASIX's Support ( for further review before making your own AX88179 PCB board.
Do I need to develop AX88179 drivers by myself?
No, the AX88179 already supports available device drivers for most of operating systems such as Windows 10/8.x/7/Vista/XP, Linux, Mac OSX, WinCE/Mobile, etc. Please visit AX88179 Driver Download web page for details. For some special OS supporting requirements, please contact ASIX's sales ( for further support.
What is the specification of 25MHz reference crystal of AX88179 demo board?
The 25MHz crystal signals of AX88179 board should be winthin 25MHz +- 30ppm. Please refer to AX88179 USB 3.0 to Gigabit Ethernet Application Design Note for details.
What is the reference Gigabit Ethernet transformer of the AX88179 demo board?
The reference Ethernet transformer on the AX88179 demo board is the Bothhand LA1S109-43 (Turns Ratio 1CT:1CT, Auto-MDIX) single RJ-45 connector integrated 10/100/1000M Base-T magnetic. Please refer to AX88179 USB 3.0 to Gigabit Ethernet Application Design Note for details.
What kind of EEPROM is supported by AX88179?
The AX88179 supports 3.3V to 5V 16-bit mode 93C56/93C66 serial EEPROM. Please refer to AX88179 USB 3.0 to Gigabit Ethernet Application Design Note for details.
Can I eliminate the EEPROM on AX88179 applications?
The AX88179 supports a 64-byte eFuse that is a one-time programming ROM for an alternate solution to store the required hardware configuration data in production. We strongly suggest customers to reserve the EEPROM location on AX88179 PCB board for flexible designs even if you plan to use the AX88179 eFuse for hardware configuration. Please refer to AX88179 EEPROM User Guide for details.
How do I program the AX88179 EEPROM or eFuse?
AX88179 supports some default settings inside chip hardware to enable it to communicate with USB host controller during enumeration when the AX88179 EEPROM is blank (prior to being programmed). The default settings inside chip facilitate users to update the EEPROM contents through a Windows PC during R&D validation process or program a blank EEPROM or eFuse during manufacturing process.
ASIX Electronics provides Windows/Linux SROM programming tools for users to easily program AX88179 EEPROM or eFuse on a typical Windows/Linux platforms. These AX88179 SROM programming tools support to customize the MAC address, Serial Number, Vendor ID and Product ID, etc. for AX88179 based application systems in mass production.
Alternatively, users can pre-program the blank EEPROM on a 3rd Party Universal Programmer before soldering the EEPROM onto the AX88179 application device. You MUST assign a unique MAC address in the EEPROM for every AX88179 device.
Please refer to AX88179 EEPROM User Guide for more detailed EEPROM/eFuse design notes. -
Do we need to register our own VID/PID for our AX88179 based application systems or can we use the ASIX's VID/PID?
The answers to above questions really depend on user's product applications and target market, which can be different on individual cases. Below gives customers some general guidelines about whether one can use ASIX's VID/PID or one should better register its own one with USB-IF.
1.Case where it is OK to use ASIX Electronics's VID (0B95h) and PID (1790h):
You may be able to use ASIX Electronics' VID and PID when your AX88179 based application system can simply work with AX88179 standard drivers provided by ASIX without any modification and you don't have any concern from business and product marketing perspective to use the same VID and PID on your products as ASIX's other customers who are also using ASIX's VID and PID. ASIX Electronics would like to request customers to inform ASIX sales staffs by sending us email at beforehand if you would like to use ASIX Electronics VID and PID for your products.
2.Cases requiring you to use your own VID and PID
(1) Your AX88179 based application systems can't work directly with AX88179 standard drivers which ASIX Electronics release on its web site and your target application system (such as USB dongle or docking station) may allow your end customers to update the standalone AX88179 driver by themselves after sales. In that case, you MUST assign your own unique VID and PID for your AX88179 based devices.
(2) For brand name products, you probably don't want your AX88179 based devices to become compatible with other company's AX88179 based devices. In this case, you should consider assigning your own unique VID and PID for your AX88179 based devices.
You can register your own VID from USB Implementers Forum, Inc. and define the PID based on your company rules. -
How do I register a Vendor ID from USB-IF?
If you are a new USB product developer looking to get a Vendor ID for your company, you can register a Vendor ID from USB Implementers Forum, Inc. Please visit the USB-IF web site for details.
Do I have to assign a unique MAC address to every AX88179 based devices?
Yes, every Ethernet device must have a unique MAC address. Users should always assign a unique MAC address in the AX88179 EEPROM for every AX88179 based devices.
How do I register a MAC/Ethernet address from IEEE-SA?
You must first have an OUI or an IAB, to which you then append 24 or 12 bits respectively, in a way that makes the resulting 48-bit number unique, i.e., your 24 or 12 bits must be unique within your organization, which will require coordination among all the users of your organization's OUI or IAB. Please visit the IEEE-SA web site for details.
Do I have to assign a unique serial number to every AX88179 based device?
No, it depends on the real requirement of your AX88179 target application. If users need to install more than one AX88179 based devices on your target application, you should assign a different serial number in the EEPROM for every AX88179 device.
If your target application always uses one AX88179 device, you can consider assigning the same serial number in the EEPROM for every AX88179 device for easy maintenance in mass production, especially if you plan to use a Windows PC to test AX88179 based devices repeatedly during mass production test. -
Did the AX88179 pass the USB-IF compliant certification?
Yes, AX88179 demo board was certified by USB-IF.
软件 & 工具
Apple macOS 12 above Drivers Installer
For Intel and Apple silicon platformsWindows 11 64-bit Driver
For x64 CPU platform, HLK/WHCK certifiedWindows 11 64-bit HLK/WHCK drivers setup program
For x64 CPU platform, HLK/WHCK certifiedWindows 11 ARM 64-bit Driver
For ARM x64 CPU platform, HLK/WHCK certifiedWindows 10 32-bit Driver
For x86 CPU platform, HLK/WHCK certifiedWindows 10 64-bit Driver
For x64 CPU platform, HLK/WHCK certifiedWindows 10 64-bit HLK/WHCK drivers setup program
For x64 CPU platform, HLK/WHCK certifiedWindows 8 32-bit Driver
For x86 CPU platform, HLK/WHCK certifiedWindows 8 64-bit Driver
For x64 CPU platform, HLK/WHCK certifiedWindows 8.x 64-bit Driver
For x64 CPU platform, HLK/WHCK certifiedWindows 7 32-bit/64-bit HLK/WHCK drivers setup program
For x86/x64 CPU platform, WHCK certifiedWindows XP & Vista 32-bit/64-bit drivers setup program
For x86/x64 CPU platformWindows Embedded Compact 7/CE 7.0 Driver
For CEPC x86 platformWindows CE 6.0 Driver
For Renesas US7750R HARP(Aspen) SH4 platformWindows CE 5.0 / Mobile 5 / Mobile 6 Driver
For MainStone II Intel PXA27X platformWindows CE 5.0 / Mobile 5 / Mobile 6 Driver
For SMDK2410 ARM platformWindows CE 5.0 / Mobile 5 / Mobile 6 Driver
For CEPC x86 platformWindows CE 5.0 / Mobile 5 / Mobile 6 Driver
For NEC VR5500 MIPS-II platformWindows CE 5.0 / Mobile 5 / Mobile 6 Driver
For NEC VR5500 MIPS-IV platformWindows CE 5.0 / Mobile 5 / Mobile 6 Driver
For Renesas US7750R HARP(Aspen) SH4 platformWindows SROM Programming Tool
Please contact ASIX Sales to get zip passwordWindows Production Test Tool
Please contact ASIX Sales to get zip password