近來Multimedia SoC為求降低成本而朝封裝小型化發展,降低接腳數之最佳方法即是採用串列介面,除了捨棄高腳數之PCI bus之外,還可能進一步去除同為高腳數之Local/Memory bus,取而代之的方法包括:Flash改採SPI介面,連網晶片改接USB 2.0 Host介面。此外,USB僅利用串列的四根訊號即提供高達480Mbps的傳輸速度,非常適合小體積之手持式裝置用來連接週邊設備。亞信電子推出AX88772A之USB LAN系列即循此技術趨勢發展,滿足該類小型封裝Multimedia SoC之連網需求。
AX88772A之USB 2.0介面符合USB V1.1及2.0的規格,乙太網路介面則符合IEEE 802.3/ IEEE 802.3u協定,該元件內建24KB SRAM網路封包暫存器、媒體存取控制器(MAC)及10/100Mbps乙太網路實體層(PHY)。此外,AX88772A還支援進階功能,包括HP Auto-MDIX、Wake-on-LAN電源管理及IEEE 802.3x/backpressure封包流量控制。可選的串列介面如I²C、SPI及UART可供USB主控制器與外接的微控制器進行必要的控制動作。
AX88772A為一款低價、高效能、高整合度、即插即用的USB-to-Ethernet網路控制晶片,採用64接腳之小型封裝,可大幅減少所佔PCB空間。AX88772A主要應用於桌上型電腦、筆記型電腦、UMPC、電腦基座(Cradles/Port replicators/Docking Stations)、遊戲機、數位家電及任何具備標準USB埠之嵌入式系統。
低接腳數USB to Ethernet網路控制晶片
Add Favorites
● USB裝置介面
-- 整合USB 2.0收發器,串列界面引擎(SIE)與USB規格1.1及2.0相容
-- 支援USB全速及高速模式,具備Bus-Power或Self-Power的電源驅動能力
-- 支援4或6種可程式化之USB endpoint
-- 利用獨有的Burst transfer機制(已獲得美國專利),讓USB匯流排上的封包傳輸速率達到極致
-- 以硬體的方式支援USB轉Ethernet橋接器,反向亦可支援
● 高速乙太網路單晶片
-- 整合高速乙太網路MAC/PHY
-- 與IEEE 802.3 10Base-T/100Base-TX相容
-- 支援交叉線自動偵測及切換(HP Auto-MDIX)
-- 內建24KB SRAM網路封包暫存器,其中16KB SRAM供RX封包暫存,8KB SRAM供TX封包暫存
-- 支援全雙工模式IEEE 802.3x流量控制及半雙工模式backpressure流量控制
-- 支援兩組VLAN ID過濾,所收到的4 bytes VLAN Tag可以被剝除或保留
-- 具備MAC/PHY迴路診斷能力
● 支援Wake-on-LAN功能
-- 透過偵測任何網路連線狀態之變動、收到Magic Packet、收到Microsoft Wakeup Frame及偵測外部接腳狀態之變動等事件,來支援Suspend模式及遠端喚醒
-- 在Suspend模式下可選擇性關閉PHY的電源
● 支援256/512 bytes (93c56/93c66) 串列EEPROM (用來儲存USB Descriptors)
● 當上電啟動之後,支援自動從EEPROM載入Ethernet ID、USB Descriptors及Adapter Configuration等資訊
● 提供可選的串列介面如I2C、SPI及UART
● 整合電壓調整電路,僅需3.3V單一電源
● 12MHZ及25MHz 時脈輸入,來自crystal或oscillator皆可
● 整合上電複位(Power-on reset)電路
● 64-pin LQFP RoHS相容的封裝
● 工作溫度範圍:0℃ to 70℃
● UMPC、行動上網裝置(MID)、小筆電
● 超薄筆記型電腦
● USB轉乙太網路適配器、USB轉光纖網路介面卡
● USB轉HomePlug網路介面卡
● 電腦基座(Cradles/Port Replicators/Docking Stations)
● UWB擴展塢、WiMAX轉USB數據機、行動3.5G路由器
● 遊戲機
● 數位家電、機上盒、視頻錄影機、PMP、IPTV
● 網路數位相框、數位媒體播放機
● 網路印表機
● POS系統
● 網路測試設備


AX88772A USB 2.0轉高速乙太網路評估板
AX88772A USB 2.0轉10/100M高速乙太網路評估板
How to identify authentic ASIX USB to LAN products inside?
If ASIX USB to LAN drivers cannot work fine on your USB to LAN device, please refer to How to identify authentic ASIX USB to LAN Products document to double check if your USB to LAN device includes a Non-authentic ASIX USB to LAN solution inside or not? If yes, please contact the manufacturer of your USB to LAN device to get proper drivers directly. ASIX DOES NOT GUARANTEE AND PROVIDE ANY SUPPORT FOR THOSE NON-AUTHENTIC ASIX PRODUCTS.
The KY-88772A USB 2.0 to Fast Ethernet Adapter is a typical non-authentic ASIX USB to LAN product. -
Where can I obtain the the latest AX88772A drivers?
Please visit the AX88772A Driver Download web page for details.
Why don't ASIX's AX88772A standard drivers work with my AX88772A device?
All ASIX's AX88772A standard drivers are qualified with ASIX's AX88772A demo board with AX88772A default Vendor ID (0B95h) and Product ID (772Ah). Some of AX88772A manufacturers have their own Vendor ID and Product ID on their AX88772A applications. In this case, ASIX's AX88772A standard drivers will not work with your AX88772A device. Please contact the technical support of your AX88772A device manufacturer to obtain a proper driver.
Which AX88772A driver (Windows XP 32-bit or 64-bit) should I download for my Windows system?
Select the "Properties" of "My Computer" to check if your Windows system is 32-bit or 64-bit system. If your system is 64-bit system, you should see the "64-bit" string in the Windows system information such as "Microsoft Windows XP 64-bit Edition", otherwise it should be a 32-bit Windows system. Users should download the correct AX88772A Windows driver (32-bit or 64-bit) for their respective Windows 32-bit or 64-bit system.
How can I install AX88772A Linux driver on my Android tablet PC?
No, it could not be done by end users. To install AX88772A Linux driver on your Android tablet PC, you have to recompile AX88772A Linux driver source on your target Android tablet platform and then you can install the compiled AX88772A Linux driver on your Android platform. It can only be done by the manufacturer of your Android tablet PC. Please contact the support guys of the manufacturer for further support if necessary.
How to capture the VLAN tagged packets on Windows WireShark tool?
Please set the "Packet Priority & VLAN" parameter of ASIX USB to LAN Windows drivers to "Packet Priority & VLAN Disable" to capture the VLAN tagged packets on WireShark.
Does AX88772A support Windows Surface RT 8.0/8.1 driver?
No, AX88772A doesn’t support Windows Surface RT 8.0/8.1 driver.
How to isolate AX88772A macOS driver cannot work fine issue after upgrading to new macOS system?
Please try to un-install the existing installed AX88772A driver firstly and then re-install the latest AX88772A macOS driver to improve this kind of issue. If you still have problems, please refer to Section 4 of AX88772A macOS driver installation guide in the driver package to isolate your issue.
For macOS 10.13 or above systems, please double check if you have set the "Allow apps downloaded from" option on the ”Security & Privacy” console to "App Store and identifier developers" to allow loading the newly-installed third-party kernel extensions (KEXTs).
What is the reference Ethernet transformer of the AX88772A demo board?
The reference Ethernet transformer on the AX88772A demo board is the Bothhand LU1S041X LF (Turns Ratio 1CT:1CT, Auto-MDIX) single RJ-45 connector module with integrated 10/100 BASE-TX magnetic. Please refer to Section 4 of AX88x72A USB-to-LAN Application Design Note for the detailed Ethernet magnetic circuit information. You can download it from AX88772A Application Design & Layout Guide Download web page directly.
What are the specification of 12MHz & 25MHz reference crystals of AX88772A demo board?
The 12MHz/25MHz crystal signals of AX88772A board should be winthin (12MHz +- 50ppm)/(25MHz +- 50ppm) respectively. Please refer to Section 3 of AX88x72A USB-to-LAN Application Design Note for the detailed 12MHz/25MHz crystal circuits information. You can download it from AX88772A Application Design & Layout Guide Download web page directly.
What kind of EEPROM is supported by AX88772A?
AX88772A supports 16-bit mode 93C56 or 93C66 EEPROM.
Can I remove the EEPROM from the AX88772A application?
No, the AX88772A EEPROM content includes important hardware initialization data like USB descriptors, product strings, serial number, etc. This configuration data will be used during the AX88772A's hardware initialization for normal operation.
How do I program the AX88772A EEPROM?
AX88772A supports some default settings inside chip hardware to enable it to communicate with USB host controller during enumeration when the AX88772A EEPROM is blank (prior to being programmed). The default settings inside chip facilitate users to update the EEPROM content through a Windows PC during R&D validation process or program a blank EEPROM mounted on target system PCB during manufacturing process.
ASIX Electronics provides a Windows SROM Programming tool for users to easily program the Serial EEPROM of AX88772A on a typical Windows XP/2000 PC. This AX88772A WinXP/2K SROM Programming Tool supports to customize the MAC address, Serial Number, Vendor ID and Product ID, etc. for AX88772A based application systems in mass production.
Alternatively, users can pre-program the blank EEPROM on a 3rd Party Universal Programmer before soldering the EEPROM onto the AX88772A application device. It is recommended that users assign a unique MAC address in the EEPROM for every AX88772A device.
Also if users plan to use a Windows PC to test AX88772A-based devices repeatedly during mass production, it is recommended that the same serial number be assigned to the EEPROM for every AX88772A device. However, a different serial number should be assigned in the EEPROM for every AX88772A device if users need to install more than one AX88772A device on the same platform.
Please contact ASIX's sales (sales@asix.com.tw) to get the AX88x72A EEPROM User Guide for more details. -
Do we need to register our own VID/PID for our AX88772A based application systems or can we use the ASIX's VID/PID?
It depends on your product applications and target market which may vary case by case. Below are some general guidelines on whether one can use ASIX's VID/PID or use its own registered VID/PID.
1. Case where it is OK to use ASIX Electronics's VID (0B95h) and PID (772Ah):
(1) Your AX88772A-based application works with the standard AX88772A drivers provided by ASIX without any modification to the driver.
(2) You are not concerned from a business and product marketing perspective about sharing the same VID and PID on your products as ASIX's other customers.
(*Note) Please inform ASIX by emailing us at sales@asix.com.tw beforehand if you would like to use ASIX Electronics VID and PID for your products.
*Note: This can avoid your end customers from downloading the standard AX88772A driver from the ASIX website which may not be compatible with your device drivers.
2. Cases requiring you to use your own VID and PID
(1) Your AX88772A based application system doesn't work with the AX88772A standard drivers released on this website and your target application system (such as USB dongle or docking station) allows end customers to update the standalone AX88772A driver by themselves after sales. In this case, you MUST assign your own unique VID and PID to your AX88772A based devices.
(2) For brand name products, you probably don't want your AX88772A-based devices to be compatible with other companies' AX88772A-based devices. In this case, you should consider assigning your own unique VID and PID for your AX88772A based devices.
You can register your own VID from USB Implementers Forum, Inc. and define the PID based on your company rules. If you have any problems, please contact ASIX's sales (sales@asix.com.twa>) for further support. -
How do I register a Vendor ID from USB-IF?
If you are a new USB product developer looking to get a Vendor ID for your company, you can register a Vendor ID from USB Implementers Forum, Inc. Please visit the USB-IF web site for details.
Do I have to assign a unique MAC address to every AX88772A based devices?
Yes, every Ethernet device must have a unique MAC address. You should always assign a unique MAC address in the AX88772A EEPROM.
How do I register a MAC/Ethernet address from IEEE-SA?
You must first have an OUI or an IAB, to which you then append 24 or 12 bits respectively, in a way that makes the resulting 48-bit number unique. Your 24 or 12 bits must be unique within your organization, which will require coordination among all the users of your organization's OUI or IAB. Please visit the IEEE-SA web site for details.
Do I have to assign a unique serial number to every AX88772A based device?
No, it depends on the real requirement of your AX88772A target application. If your end customer may need to install more than one AX88772A-based device on your target application, you should assign a different serial number in the EEPROM for every AX88772A device.
If your target application always uses one AX88772A device, you can consider assigning the same serial number in the EEPROM for every AX88772A device for easy maintenance in mass production, especially if you plan to use a Windows PC to test AX88772A based devices repeatedly during the mass production test. -
Did the AX88772A pass the USB-IF compliant certification?
Yes, AX88772A demo board was certified by USB-IF.
Are AX88772A Windows drivers qualified by the WHQL compliant certification?
Yes, all AX88772A Windows 10/8.x7/Vista/XP 32-bit/64-bit drivers were qualified by Microsoft WHQL certification.
Does the AX88772A Windows driver support the WOL function in S4 (Hibernate)/S5 (Shutdown) mode?
The answer depends on whether the USB host controller supports the S4/S5 wake-up function or not since the WOL function of AX88772A USB to LAN devices should be supported on both AX88772A and the USB host controller. Many USB host controllers don't support the WOL function in S4 (Hibernate)/S5 (Shutdown) mode.
Can the AX88772A be connected to another Ethernet MAC controller through a MII interface?
No, the AX88772A doesn't support the MII interface. In this case, you can implement AX88172A with MII interface on your target application. Please contact ASIX's sales (sales@asix.com.tw) for further support.
How to open the gerber files of AX88772A demo board?
You can open the gerber files of AX88772A demo board by running ORACLE's AutoVue Evaluation Revision tool (30 days evaluation date). Please visit ORACLE's web site for more details.
How to open the PowerPCB PCB layout file of AX88772A demo board?
You can open the PowerPCB PCB layout file of AX88772A demo board by running Mentor Graphics PADS Layout Product Evaluation Software (No time limitation but with limited function). Please visit Mentor Graphics' web site for more details.
軟體 & 工具
Apple macOS 10.9 to 10.15 Drivers Installer
For Intel 32-bit/64-bit platformsWindows 11 64-bit HLK/WHCK drivers setup program
For x64 CPU platform, HLK certifiedWindows 10 32-bit/64-bit HLK/WHCK drivers setup program
For x86/x64 CPU platform, HLK certifiedWindows 8.1/8.0 32-bit Driver
For x86 CPU platform, WHCK certifiedWindows 8.1/8.0 64-bit Driver
For x64 CPU platform, WHCK certifiedWindows 8.1/8.0 32-bit/64-bit WHCK drivers setup program
For x86/x64 CPU platform WHCK certifiedWindows 7 32-bit/64-bit WHCK drivers setup program
For x86/x64 CPU platform WHCK certifiedWinCE 6.0 Driver
For Renesas US7750R HA7750R HARP(Aspen) SH4 platformWindows CE 5.0 / Mobile 5 / Mobile 6 Driver
For MainStone II Intel PXA27X platformWindows CE 5.0 / Mobile 5 / Mobile 6 Driver
For SMDK2410 ARM platformWindows CE 5.0 / Mobile 5 / Mobile 6 Driver
For NEC VR5500 MIPS-II platformWindows CE 5.0 / Mobile 5 / Mobile 6 Driver
For NEC VR5500 MIPS-IV platformWindows CE 5.0 / Mobile 5 / Mobile 6 Driver
For Renesas US7750R HARP(Aspen) SH4 platformWindows SROM Programming Tool
Please contact ASIX Sales to get zip passwordWindows Production Test Tool
Please contact ASIX Sales to get zip password