AX88796B是一款针对嵌入式及工业以太网应用的低引脚数(LQFP-64) Non-PCI以太网控制芯片。AX88796B采用符合业界标准的8/16位SRAM-like主机接口,可与一般8/16/32位微控制器直接连接,无须任何外部逻辑线路。该组件内建符合IEEE 802.3/ IEEE 802.3u协议的10/100Mbps以太网物理层(PHY)及媒体存取控制器(MAC),整合8K*16位SRAM网络封包缓存器,以高效率的方式进行封包的储存、检索与修改。AX88796广泛支持各项规格包括双绞线正反接线自动校正(HP Auto-MDIX)、网络唤醒、低功耗管理及IEEE 802.3x/ backpressure流量控制。
低引脚数Non-PCI 8/16位百兆以太网控制芯片
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● 高性能Non-PCI接口
-- 支持8/16位CPU接口,包括MCS-51系列、80186系列CPU及ISA总线
-- 支持SRAM-like主机接口(已获得美国专利),容易与一般常见的嵌入式MCU直接连接
-- 内建8K*16位SRAM网络封包缓存
-- 支持从模式DMA以减少CPU的负荷
-- 支持突发存取模式用于高性能应用
-- 具备可编程Hold-off定时器的中断接脚
● 百兆以太网单芯片
-- 与IEEE 802.3 10Base-T/100Base-TX兼容
-- 整合快速以太网MAC/PHY收发器
-- 支持10Mbps及100Mbps数据流量
-- 支持全双工及半双工模式
-- 支持10/100Mbps N-way自动协商机制
-- 支持交叉线自动侦测及切换(HP Auto-MDIX)
-- 在全双工模式下支持IEEE 802.3x流量控制
-- 在半双工模式下支持backpressure流量控制
● 支持低功耗及下列触发条件唤醒:
-- 网络链接状态改变
-- 收到Magic Packet
-- 收到Microsoft Wakeup Frame
● 寄存器级NE2000指令集兼容
-- 可以通过原始NE2000驱动代码的小修改提升链路检测性能
● 支持EEPROM接口以储存MAC地址(选配)
● 支持两个输出及一个输出/入之通用IO引脚
● 支持LED引脚以显示各种网络连接状态
● 整合电压调整电路,仅需3.3V单一电源
● 整合震荡电路以及PLL,仅需一个25MHz crystal即可运作
● 小封装尺寸64引脚 LQFP,并符合RoHS规范
● 工作温度范围:0℃ to 70℃或-40℃ to 85℃
● 上网本, 工控机
● 有线/卫星/宽带机顶盒
● IPTV, 数字媒体适配器
● 网络DVD/数字录像机/硬盘
● 网络可视电话, VoIP适配器
● 网络收音机
● 金融支付终端, 自助服务终端
● 多功能打印机
● RFID读卡器, 考勤机
● RS232/422/485 转以太网
● 建筑/家庭自动化
-- 供热通风空调控制系统
-- 网络化智能家居
● 保安系统
-- 生理识别控制
-- 指纹阅读器
-- 网络摄像头/远程监视
-- 专业数字录像
-- 消防安全
● 工业控制
-- 远程数据收集/远程检测
-- 远程控制和管理
-- 环境监测或网络传感器
-- 自动抄表
-- 网络UPS
-- 灯光控制


AX88796B SMDK2440评估板
AX88796B SMDK2440评估板提供客户透过SRAM-Like接口,连接到三星SMDK2440平台(S3C2440A 32-bit ARM MCU)来验证AX88796B百兆以太网芯片功能。客户也可以透过SRAM-Like接口连接到其它嵌入式系统来进行测试。

AX88796B ISA评估板
AX88796B ISA评估板提供客户可以透过ISA总线来验证AX88796B在x86平台的百兆以太网芯片功能。

AX88796B SMDK2440评估板 + ALi M3602延伸板
AX88796B SMDK2440评估板 + ALi M3602延伸板提供客户透过SRAM-Like接口,连接到ALi M3602平台来验证AX88796B百兆以太网芯片功能。
Can I implement AX88796B driver based on the standard NE2000 driver source code?
The AX88796B should be able to work with the standard NE2000 driver source code with some minor modifications such as the I/O base address, IRQ, CPU data accessing timing configurations. Please contact ASIX Sales ( to get the AX88x96B Software Programming Guide for more details.
When do you need to modify the NE2000 driver source code to work with AX88796B?
In general, you just need to modify the I/O base address, IRQ, CPU data accessing timing of the standard NE2000 driver source code to meet the hardware requirements of your AX88796B board. You may need to modify the NE2000 driver source code to enable the following advanced features of AX88796B. Please contact ASIX Sales ( to get the AX88x96B Software Programming Guide for more details.
1. Flow control function
2. Wake-On-LAN function
3. VLAN function
4. Enhanced driver performance (TX Queue, Burst Read) -
What drivers are available for the AX88796B?
ASIX provides the following AX88796B drivers source codes for customers' reference. If you would like to receive these AX88796B drivers, please contact ASIX Sales ( directly. In the case if you need to modify the standard NE2000 driver source code to enable the advanced features of AX88796B for some other platforms, ASIX can provide the AX88796B Software Programming Guide for your reference. Please contact ASIX Sales ( for more details.
1. Windows CE 5.0 BSP driver and Eboot driver
2. Windows CE 4.2 BSP driver
3. Linux kernel 2.4.x/2.6.x driver and Uboot driver
4. 8051 uIP TCP/IP stack port
5. Nucleus driver
6. Vxworks driver
7. Windows XP/2000 driver -
What are the differences between AX88796B, AX88196B and NE2000?
The AX88796B is a full NE2000 register level compatible Fast Ethernet controller. Below are the differences between AX88796B and NE2000,
What are the differences between AX88796B and AX88796?
What kinds of EEPROM devices are supported by AX88796B?
The AX88796B supports serial EEPROM device with 16-bit data access, like 93C46 EEPROM (but not 93C56). The EEPROM device is optional for AX88796B.
What kinds of CPU interfaces are supported by AX88796B?
The AX88796B supports both 8-bit and 16-bit CPU interfaces, like MCS-51 (805x) series, 80186 series and ISA bus. ASIX also implements AX88796B under SMDK2440 S3C2440A 32-bit ARM920T core CPU platform successfully.
Does the AX88796B support the MC68K CPU interface?
No, but the AX88796 supports the MC68K CPU interface.
How do I reset the MAC by driver?
1. Read the Reset register (offset 1Fh) to reset MAC.
(Note: It is READ but not WRITE.)
2. Wait 1.6ms for reset completion. -
What is the PHY address of the AX88796B embedded PHY?
The AX88796B integrates an embedded 10/100M Fast Ethernet PHY. The internal PHY address is 10h.
How do I configure a proper duplex mode?
The AX88796B will auto-configure the MAC duplex mode to match the real duplex mode of embedded PHY so the driver doesn't need to take care about it.
How do I configure a proper line speed mode?
The AX88796B embedded 10/100Mbps PHY/Transceiver will auto-detect a proper line speed so the driver doesn't need to take care about it.
How do I configure Interrupt Trigger mode?
The AX88796B supports both 8-bit and 16-bit local CPU interfaces included MCS-51 series, 80186 series and ISA bus. You shall define the proper Interrupt Trigger mode for the CPU used in bit 4 (IRQ_POL_EEP) and bit 5 (IRQ_TYPE_EEP) of EEPROM offset address 0x02. After hardware reset, AX88796B will auto-load the Interrupt Trigger mode setting from EEPROM into bit 4 and bit 5 of BTCR register. If needed, the driver can also manually set the Interrupt Trigger mode by configuring bit 4 and bit 5 of BTCR register (offset 15h) to overwrite the setting from EEPROM.
How do I enable/disable AX88796B interrupt?
The AX88796B uses IMR register to enable/disable the interrupt function. The interrupt function can be enabled by setting a non-zero value into IMR register and can be disabled by setting a zero value into IMR register.
How do I enable the Flow Control function?
The AX88796B Flow Control function is disabled by default. You can enable the flow control function in full-duplex mode by setting bit 7 (Flow Control) or the back-presssure function in half-duplex mode by setting bit 6 (Back-pressure) of FCR register (offset 1Ah).
How do I enable the WOL function?
The AX88796B WOL function is disabled by default. You can enable the WOL function by configuring PMR register (Page 3, offset 0Bh) and WUCSR register (Page 3, offset 0Ah).
How do I enable the VLAN function?
The AX88796B VLAN function is disabled by default. You can enable the VLAN function by setting bit 3 (VLANE) of MCR register (offset 1Bh) and configuring VIDR0 register (offset 1Ch) and VIDR1 register (offset 1Dh).
How do I enable the TX Queue and TX Buffer Ring functions?
The AX88796B TX Queue and TX Buffer Ring functions are disabled by default. You can enable the TX Queue and TX Buffer Ring functions by setting bit 5 (TQCE) of MCR register (offset 1Bh) and bit 0 (TBR) of P30D register (Page3, offset 0Dh), respectively.
How do I implement the Single and Burst Data Access modes?
The AX88796B supports two kinds of Data Port for receiving/transmitting packets from/to AX88796B. One is the PIO Data Port (offset 10h); the other one is the SRAM-like Data Port (e.g. offset 800h ~ FFFh for Samsung2440 processor as described in Appendix A4 of AX88796B datasheet). The SRAM-like Data Port address range depends on which address line of host processor is being connected to the address line SA5/FIFO_SEL (pin 45) of AX88796B.
Software on host CPU can issue Single Data Read/Write command to both PIO Data Port and SRAM-like Data Port. However, to use Burst Data Read/Write commands, one has to use SRAM-like Data Port which requires SA5/FIFO_SEL (pin 45) of AX88796B connecting to an upper address line of host CPU. Our reference schematic have SA5/FIFO_SEL pin connected to upper address line for supporting Burst Data Read/Write commands. -
Does the AX88796B support the MII interface?
No, but the AX88196B supports the MII interface. Please refer to AX88196B product web page for more details.
How do I get the AX88796B Software Programming Guide?
Please contact ASIX Sales ( directly.
How to open the gerber files of AX88796B SMDK2440 demo board?
You can open the gerber files of AX88796B SMDK2440 demo board by running ORACLE's AutoVue Evaluation Revision tool (30 days evaluation date). Please visit ORACLE's web site for more details.
How to open the Protel PCB layout file of AX88796B SMDK2440 demo board?
You can open the Protel PCB layout file of AX88796B SMDK2440 demo board by running ORACLE's AutoVue Evaluation Revision tool (30 days evaluation date). Please visit ORACLE's web site for more details.
软件 & 工具
AX88796B+8051 KeilC uIP port sample codes
AX88796B + 8051 demo board